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Case Study: Security Associates of Coastal Georgia
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Staff Development
Beat Your
Develop Your Best Performers
Habitat Triage
Staff completed our anonymous proprietary Service Habitat Diagnostic.
This revealed what was hiding in plain sight and revealed critical insights into team engagement and the Service Habitat health.
The data showed the patterns and the open-ended questions captured insights that helped plan the next strategic steps.
On-Site Training
A series of 3-hour in-house seminars were delivered to directors, dispatchers, and front-line staff.
This introduced a new Service-Network Leadership mindset. For many, this was the first time they had a chance to think about the nature of high-level service, networks, Service Habitats, and leadership.
The ultimate goal was to spark new ideas around how to act as high-level Service-Network Leaders – in their work and across their lives!
Service Habitat Triage Report
Report submitted after staff training, with added internal communications campaigns, and analysis.
With this Report, management had concrete, strategically important areas to help upgrade the team and operations.